CIRCUMSTANCE (S)….. Is probably a more fitting word than life. I
believe the life that you will live completely depends on your
circumstance (s).

Webster's dictionary defines Circumstance(s) as- "A condition or fact
attending an event and having some bearing on it; a determining or
modifying factor, A condition or fact that determines or must be
considered in the determining of a course of action. Circumstance-To
place in particular circumstances or conditions; situate.

Living with depression, mental illness, drug dependency or physical
aliments is not living. Or is it? Life may have a dictionary and
scientific definition but what Is your definition ? Can anyone truly
define what a NORMAL life is? What may be living to you is not living
to your neighbors, your co-workers or your friends. Many people suffer from
depressions, chronic pain and addiction. The technical term for this
is "dually diagnosed". What an awful way to describe yourself.
Depression, Circumstances beyond your control. I have Chronic pain (due to
fybromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and severe endometreosis) once
again are circumstances beyond my control. Many addiction thrive on
depression and chronic pain.

 For the past 33 years I have questioned my life. Why am I here.? What
is my purpose? Why me? What did I do wrong? Why does "GOD" hate me?
Why am I different than everyone else? Every time I thought life was
good and I was going to be alright a tragedy was waiting around the
corner .

Having chronic pain and depression were not choices given to me. They
are my circumstances . Those same factors are reasons that an addict may pick up for the first time.

According to AAPA (American Academy of Physician Assistants) thedefine addiction as follows:

"Addiction": - is a primary, chronic, neurological disease, with
GENETIC, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its
development and manifestations. It is characterized by behaviors that
include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use,
compulsive use, continued use despite harm, and craving.

I am not making excuses for anyones addictions.  I realize that you have
the choice to pick up for that first time.  I have to wonder if
genetics, psychosocial and environmental  factors  were different
would I have picked up? I believe we all some form of an addictive
behavior however, I believe your circumstances do affect those
behaviors and your choices . You do have choices to make. What you
decide to do is  going to be based upon what you know - your

After years of suffering and self destructive decisions  I was led to
the point that I felt I could not go on one more day. People told me
that there was no more life in my eyes. I was living yet I was dead.
Drugs, drugs and more drugs numbed me to the point of complete
emptiness. I had nothing to look forward to and memories weren't
enough. The pain and depression seemed to outweigh any joy. My prayers
asking GOD to  "Give me strength" changed into me  begging "GOD" just to end it
all. I remember the day perfectly I decided enough was enough I was
going to take control of my life and end it all. I was not going to
going to live in pain (physically or mentally) one more day. I could
not see a future and I was tired of being a prisoner in my on home and
body. For the next few days I secretly devised "THE PLAN". I was going
to take some pills sit in the garage turn on the car and go to sleep .
There would be No more pain, no more sadness no more drugs. That's the
day the doll house broke.

My husband and I had an argument when he turned around he knocked the
doll house off the dresser. At that very moment my entire life
replayed in my mind. As I look back on that moment no I know realize
that The doll house breaking was "GODS" way of intervening . He
finally answered me.

Twenty years earlier The doll house was given to me by my older
brother Steven. Three years later he died a horrific death, they say
it was of his own choice. To this day that is still questionable. As
any young girl I lived the American dream through my doll house. The
perfect family with a Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and a little
baby. Let's not forget the dog Sheba. There was never any sadness in
this house. We called that the "white picket fence dream". As I grew
into my pre- teen years I decided I was to grown for the house. My
mother wrapped the house and stored it in the attic.

Life continued and as the years past so did the memories of the doll
house. When my mother felt my life was finally stable and I had a
little girl of my own ( my fiancés daughter) she went into the attic
and brought down the doll house. As my mother unwrapped the doll house
my little girls mouth dropped an her eyes widened. My heart filled
with joy and sorrow. Seeing her amazement  brought me back to the day
my brother gave me the house. When he brought it home my Mother and I
just  looked at each other . We could not believe that he actually had
it painted bright blue and hot pink. What was he thinking? The truth
of the matter he was also an addict and suffered from depression as
well. Does Genetics come to your mind? Changing the colors was not
even an option. It was perfect just the way  it was.

My mother and I explained the sentimental value of the house to my
step-daughter. Once we got the doll house home I asked  her if she
would like to re-paint the house. She told me she wanted it just like
it was when I was a little girl. At the time I was so proud and
honored. As happy as I was that she felt that way I am more thankful
that the house broke. The doll house was haunted with my ghost and my
memories. The closets were cluttered with my secrets and my pain.
Within that bright blue and hot pink house was a story of a young girl
with an "American Dream" that was shattered to pieces.

 I believe that the 1970's and the beginning of the 80's was the last
era of the " white picket fence dream". If you ask a young girl today what she wants to be when she grows up chances are she won't say a"Mommy". Chances are she doesn't even know what the " white picket fencedream"is.Unfortunately My generation just got caught in the transition period and the majority of us lost our way. We grew up believing in a dream that became unattainable to us.Today's children are being raised to believe in money and material items, survival by any means. Family  has become secondary. Values and morals are almost none existing. Most children can not have aconversation regarding the bible. Many do not even know the true meaning of the holidays they celebrate.

When Is the last time you sat down for a Sunday dinner with your family?

The Majority of our children are being raised in single family homes.
Single Mothers have to work two jobs just to get by in this economy.
You become blackballed if you fall upon hard time and can not afford
to pay your bills. Your Credit determines how you will live. No -one
wants to hear that you are a good person. They want to know  what your
F.I.C.O score is.   Most Americans are living pay check to paycheck.
If your Circumstances (illness, loss of job etc.) change and you fall
behind the probability of you catching up are not in your favor. How
many times can you be turned down before you just throw in the towel?

 I no longer wonder why there I so much drug use, crime, suicide or
teen pregnancy. Our children are looking for the love that we are
unable to give them. If you can't be there to comfort your child they
will find that comfort somewhere else. In this era it has become
nearly impossible to get ahead. We have to teach our children that it
is either you or them . A good heart, values and morales won't help
you pay the bills. Have we become a greedy society or is it that are
we are just trying to survive?
In order to make sure your child has a roof over their head, food in
their stomachs and medical insurance you must sacrifice truly knowing,
guiding and loving them.

As a teenager I can remember my Mother telling me to stop looking for
sympathy and to keep my business to myself. She told me no-one wants
to hear my problems they have enough of their own. My Mother was not
being facetious she was just trying to protect me from a world of
criticisms and judgment. I believe their Is a saying… "When I was a
child my parents were so stupid, When I got older I couldn't believe
how smart they had gotten". In translation that mean that your parents
know the harsh realities of this world.

As a child your understanding of life should be simple…. Go to school,
do your homework and play.  How many children can you name that live
this way?

We all have secrets in our closets and we all have a story to tell so
what makes my story any different? If you believe in "God" and
Guardian angels then you know that "GOD" has each one of us here for a
purpose (and he doesn't make mistakes ). It took me many years to
accept, believe and understand this. There was a time when I stopped
believing and lost faith. Over the years I have learned to accept and
embraced my life. I no longer feel ashamed or regretful of the life
"God" gave  me. Believe it or not I would not change one heartache or
any of the pain. It made me who I am today.

God has each one of us here with a purpose in his master plan.  You
may not even realize that you have a gift, I can promises you that he
did give you one. I have come to know that my gift is the ability to
express my experiences and knowledge of life into words that others
can relate to. "That which does not kill you will make you stronger"
and I am his proof of that.

We all have secrets in our closets and we all have a story to tell so
what makes my story any different? If you believe in "God" and
Guardian angels then you know that "GOD" has each one of us here for a
purpose (and he doesn't make mistakes ). It took me many years to
accept, believe and understand this. There was a time when I stopped
believing and lost faith. Over the years I have learned to accept and
embraced my life. I no longer feel ashamed or regretful of the life
"God" gave  me. Believe it or not I would not change one heartache or
any of the pain. It made me who I am today.

God has each one of us here with a purpose in his master plan.  You
may not even realize that you have a gift, I can promises you that he
did give you one. I have come to know that my gift is the ability to
express my experiences and knowledge of life into words that others
can relate to. "That which does not kill you will make you stronger"
and I am his proof of that.


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