I guess this poem came about when Sherman was sad about getting older.  As people age they tend to reflect on what they could have done instead of what they have actually accomplished.


You can't avoid it, it's part of your book,
Each chapter has ended take a look.
He doesn't want you to fear growing old,
He wants your lessons in this life to be told.
You can't waste time fearing a chapter,
You must give it your best and see the laughter.
Each life and book was written by God,
When times are the toughest "TRUST HIM" and nod.
Every time he creates a new book,
He gives it a line and releases the hook.
He gives each book the gift of "choices",
He gives it a conscience and unheard voices.
Listen to those voices in your darkest hour,
Remember that "FAITH" is your strongest power.
He wants you to know "each book WILL END",
Each book he's created must transcend.


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